

The acupuncturist uses various signs and symptoms, as well as pulse and tongue diagnosis, to piece together a clear picture of the individual’s underlying imbalance. Treatment consists of inserting fine sterilized disposable needles into acupuncture points along meridian pathways. The needles promote the flow of qi, remove blockages and strengthen the body’s immune system. A tingling sensation or dull ache is experienced when the needle comes into contact with the flow of qi in the body. On the whole the treatment is both relaxing and soothing. Additional therapies such as moxibustion (artemesia root) in the form of cones can be applied directly to acupuncture points or via acupuncture needles. Moxa is warming and nourishing, and encourages the qi and blood to circulate in the body. Other techniques which may be used during treatment, are electrical stimulation and cupping.


Acupuncture is both complimentary and supportive to traditional western medicine and can treat a wide range of symptoms and diseases including:

Musculoskeletal: back, neck, shoulder, tennis elbow, wrist/carpal tunnel syndrome, hip, knee, ankle, TMJ, arthritis, fibromyalgia, tendinitis, sprains and spasms.

Gastrointestinal: gastritis, food allergies, peptic ulcer, chronic diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, heartburn, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), crohn’s disease, nausea and vomiting.

Gynecological: amenorrhea, irregular menstration, painful menstruation, endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS, infertility in women and men, PMS, and menopause.

Neurological: sciatica, migraine headaches, stroke rehabilitation, neuropathy, bell palsy, and dizziness.

Urogenital: urinary tract infection, chronic bladder infections, incontinence and sexual dysfunction.

Respiratory: asthma, allergies, hay fever, sinusitis, bronchitis and common cold, flu and sore throat.

Cardiovascular: hypertension, angina, arteriosclerosis, palpitations, and anemia.

Emotional and psychological disorders: depression, stress, anxiety, panic attacks, and insomnia.

Addictions: smoking, alcohol withdrawal.

Eye, ear, nose and throat disorders

Supportive therapy for chronic disease: cancer, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, chronic fatigue, diabetes and other autoimmune conditions.


Initial Consultation: is a 90 minute session that involves a thorough interview followed by an acupuncture treatment. Please fill out the diagnosis forms on the appointments page and bring them with you to your first appointment.

Follow up treatments: are generally 45 minutes.

General course of treatment: Some people benefit after one or two treatments, while others may only need 4-8 treatments to alleviate their condition. Chronic illnesses may need months of treatment and I work with each person individually to develop a treatment plan that is feasible for their healing.

Seasonal treatments: The change of season is the best time to use acupuncture for a tune up. Often people get sick during these times as nature is changing and we change with it. I always check on the organs related to that particular season and focus on the causative factor for each individual when they come in. I see many patients four times a year.

Pregnancy: It can be very beneficial to receive acupuncture during pregnancy. Acupuncture helps with numerous possible imbalances: fatigue, morning sickness, heartburn, sciatica, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, migraines, constipation or diarrhea, breech or labor induction. Treatments may be weekly while there is imbalance, but many women find a treatment once a month during pregnancy keeps them feeling healthy and active.